Tenha o pellet em sua mão, nós facilitamos para você. Plantas de pellets turnkey. Expertise técnica, integração e gestão.

Convenience that drives production

Imagine a fully integrated production plant, ready to operate, with no complications and no headaches. That's what we provide: convenience of operating at maximum efficiency and low effort. With over 34 years creating innovative solutions for biomass systems, we have put together a team of specialists to offer a unique and personalized service from the design stage to the plant's start up. We invite you to know our TURN KEY pellet plant project.

Higher performance with less effort

Higher performance with less effort

Complete plant project management

Complete plant project management

Integrated of systems and suppliers

Integrated of systems and suppliers

Best business partners in the market

Best business partners in the market

Proven experience

Proven experience

Safe investment

Safe investment

Turnkey: the complete solution delivered to your hands

Dujua's TURNKEY project for the construction of pellet plants, focuses on convenience and performance. Therefore, along with the expertise of our team ensuring that each piece of equipment is aligned with your needs, you will receive a fully assembled and operating plant.


Strategic partners and state-of-the-art systems.

Integrated systems

Dujua Solutions:

  • Receiving
  • Processing
  • Moving
  • Storing
  • Extracting
  • Automating

Partner Solutions:

  • Drying Stela Drying Technology
  • Wood Pelletizing
  • Heat Generation
  • Automated Packaging
Planta de pelets

Invest in the next step.

Talk to one of our commercial engineers.

Av. Eduardo Will - 266 - Bairro São João, Agrolândia - SC, Brazil. CEP: 88.420-000

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DUJUA - Soluções e tecnologia para biomassa DUJUA - Soluções e tecnologia para biomassa comercial@dujua.com.br Av. Eduardo Will - 266, Bairro São João Agrolândia/SC Brasil