Moving System | Belt Conveyors (Tripper)
Load Roller

Usually located on the upper side of the conveyor, load rollers have the function of supporting the conveyor belt, as well as the load moved by it.

Dujua standard rollers:

  • Features: Rollers supported by a pressed carbon-steel plate flange, seal formed by a closed block with a grease-filled double labyrinth sealing system.
  • Application: Recommended for harsh environments with the presence of dust and water.
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Av. Eduardo Will - 266 - Bairro São João, Agrolândia - SC, Brazil. CEP: 88.420-000

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DUJUA - Soluções e tecnologia para biomassa DUJUA - Soluções e tecnologia para biomassa Av. Eduardo Will - 266, Bairro São João Agrolândia/SC Brasil