Dujua Vibrating Springs undergo careful analysis by our responsible sector, eliminating the risk of cracks and possible breakages, ensuring the performance of both new equipment and spare parts. We resell...
Saiba maisThe electric vibration motors supplied by Dujua are designed and assembled using the latest technologies and with the use of excellent quality materials and components. The motor bodies, support flanges...
Saiba maisWe supply the most varied types of seals (polymers, plastics, elastomers, rubber sections, retainers, felts, gaskets, seals), according to our customers’ needs.
Saiba maisAv. Eduardo Will - 266 - Bairro São João, Agrolândia - SC, Brazil. CEP: 88.420-000
DUJUA - Soluções e tecnologia para biomassa
Av. Eduardo Will - 266, Bairro São João